Thursday, January 17, 2008


It's 8 am and I'm ready to go for the day, except I don't have anywhere to go just yet. I had an 8 am. appointment scheduled, but they cancelled. So much for getting up at 6. Anywho.
I'm always on the lookout for interesting blogs. I have two that I would like to mention here. The first is the blog of a husband who's wife has Cystic Fibrosis. I actualy just found out about this blog, thanks to a post from one of the members of the Pittsburgh board on the nest. It's interesting to me because they are around the same age as us. I wonder how my husband would deal with a situation like theirs?
The other blog I read is more for entertainment purposes. If you live in Pittsburgh or grew up near Pittsburgh, you will enjoy this blog, unless you have absolutely no sense of humor, then I suggest not even viewing it.
As for me, I ate a bowl of Lucky Charms and am currently surfin' the 'net until I must leave.

1 comment:

Chastity said...

I followed the Burgh blog link and added it to my blog reader thingy...funny stuff.

Also, Tag, you're it.