Tuesday, January 22, 2008

sick as a dog

Ok, maybe not that sick, but I defintely feel like crap. Luckily tomorrow is my birthday, perfect timing!
I already had my one-year-older-where-am-I-in-my-life mini-breakdown. Nothing major, just making sure that I'm not missing out on my window of opportunity for certain things, i.e. having children. The hubby isn't ready yet, and really neither am I. We are hoping for a 2010 baby. That seems like a long way off, but really that means we will probably start TTC next year.
I also realized tonight, as I laid on the couch, that prime-time television stinks! Seriously! What happened to the great series like Friends and Everybody Loves Raymond? It's depressing. I better just skip t.v. and read. Oh yeah, and finish that pesky knitting project that's hanging over my head. : )

Monday, January 21, 2008

thank you, Dr. King

I would like to take a moment and thank the man who is responsible for my day off, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I know that he obvioiusly made more important contributions to society, but today, when the temeprature is at a high of 24 degrees, I thank him.
No big plans for the day just glad to be home. Hoping to get some cookies made and have my new glasses adjusted later. Maybe some laundry. Having Mondays off should be a law. This is great.
I'm sending out kisses to my hubby for finally getting our wireless up and running so now I can blog in the living room, yay!!

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Ok, I was tagged by my friend, Chastity. Here are seven random things about me (not difficult since I am pretty random, myself).

The rules:Link to the person who tagged you and post the rules on your blog.Share 7 random and/or weird things about yourself.Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Random things about me:

1. My favorite colors are red, pink and yellow, in that order.

2. I can't stand the feeling of holes in my socks or that aluminum/waxed paper that they wrap sticks of margarine in.

3. I have been wearing glasses/contacts since I was 18 months old.

4. I enjoy knitting, but I can't seem to get myself into a complicated project, I'm scared. I also do not have a LYS, help!

5. Shopping online is becoming my new favorite thing. I can find just about anything I want, and it's often cheaper, especially when you factor in the price of gas these days.

6. I am a certified CPR/First Aid instructor through the Red Cross.

7. I think Blue and Magenta from Blue's Clues are cute, espcially Magenta's glasses!

**I do not have enough friends with blogs to tag them for this. If I come up with anyone, I will tag them. : )


It's 8 am and I'm ready to go for the day, except I don't have anywhere to go just yet. I had an 8 am. appointment scheduled, but they cancelled. So much for getting up at 6. Anywho.
I'm always on the lookout for interesting blogs. I have two that I would like to mention here. The first is the blog of a husband who's wife has Cystic Fibrosis. I actualy just found out about this blog, thanks to a post from one of the members of the Pittsburgh board on the nest. It's interesting to me because they are around the same age as us. I wonder how my husband would deal with a situation like theirs?
The other blog I read is more for entertainment purposes. If you live in Pittsburgh or grew up near Pittsburgh, you will enjoy this blog, unless you have absolutely no sense of humor, then I suggest not even viewing it.
As for me, I ate a bowl of Lucky Charms and am currently surfin' the 'net until I must leave.

Monday, January 14, 2008

cleaning vs. sleep

Life has been recently uneventful. Now that we are back the 3 member family that we envisioned when we adopted Maya. We've really just been trying to keep up with the mutilated dog toys and the tumbleweeds of dog hair that roll around our hardwood floors.

Ah...hardwoods. When we bought this house I was very excited about the hardwoods. They are defintely more work than carpet! I'm constantly worried about Maya destroying them with her nails. What we really need are some area rugs. Believe me, it's on the top of the list of things to get. I also feel like the floor is always dirty. Now, I grew up in a very clean house. Don't get me wrong, I was the child of two full-time working parents, so it wasn't "obsessive clean" but still very clean. I want my house to be clean, really I do. But if it's a choice between sleeping or cleaning, sleep wins, every time. Maybe I'm too hard on myself. I probably am. But if you ever come to my house, please don't wear white socks and please ignore the tumbleweeds.

I did see a video on the Post Gazette website about a family with 10 dogs. I believe five of them are Huskies, like Maya. I couldn't even imagine the amount of hair!! But we love our puppy and we can deal. I even ate a tater tot with dog hair on it tonight. That's love.