Thursday, March 13, 2008

just thinking....

As I sit here and type and eat my mini eggs (yummy!) I'm just thinking.

I know I haven't posted a pic of my puppy lately and since I don't have children yet, this will have to do.

I love my puppy!

So, what else is new. I'm really excited to read my bookclub selection for this month. It's called Escape. Of course almost all the copies of it in Allegheny county are checked out so here's hoping I receive it from inter-library loan in time for our meeting.

I am really looking forward to spring! Today as a beautiful 65 degrees. It got me itching for some spring clothes and to begin working outside. We have a lot to accomplish this year. We plan to completely over-haul the back yard, roto-til everything (except the dogwood tree) and plant new grass. There will be some landscaping done in the front of the house as well. Now if the weather would just cooperate we could get started! Maybe I'm just too anxious to get these things checked off our "to-do" list. I'm just looking forward to seeing the finished product.

Until it gets nice enough to begin work outside I will finish my knitting projects and get the hubby motivated to help me paint the kitchen. I have the color picked out. We just need to choose a weekend to do it.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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