Friday, September 18, 2009


I decide that I should either update my blog or delete it. As you can see, I decided to just update it. So you're all stuck with me.

I guess it makes sense to update my blog since i finally have something interesting to talk about. The hubster and I are going to be parents!!

This really isn't a new announcement, I'm already 24 weeks 5 days pregnant. We had an ultrasound at 18 weeks. Everything looks good! The baby was moving around and we even got a dvd of our little "bean"!

Jared and I decided not to find out the gender of our baby. We hear a lot of people say that they could not imagine not knowing, but we really want to be surprised. Not that it's that much of a surprise, it will either be a boy or girl. Our opinion is that all newborns need the same things, diapers, sleepers, onesies and a crib. I really don't think it matters if they are instantly cloaked in pink or blue to give them that "gender identity". Plus, by buying neutral now, we will be sure to have things for their future sibling or siblings.

I will try to update the blog more often. I have some belly pics and may even upload the ultrasound video.